Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hi All! I want you to know that this is my very first attempt at blogging. It has been intriguing to me for quite some time. However, as you may already know, being a stay-at-home parent as well as homeschooling leaves little time for blogging my thoughts not to mention just collecting them! But curiosity got the best of me so here I am.

I don't mean to be critical of other articles/blogs about raising children, homeschooling and the like, but none of them seem to apply to me. My house is no where near spotless. Rarely do we start the day off with a devotion and my children (especially my 6 yr. old boy) would rather do anything in this world than school work! I dunno, maybe I'm doing it all wrong, but every day has it's struggles and often at night I feel like I've accomplished almost nothing.

WOW! It sounds like I'm complaining. I'm sorry if I've given you that impression. I'm not complaining at all. What I do I truly feel called to do by the Lord. It is very rewarding most of the time. What I was trying to convey is that my life (as well as my house!)gets messy at times and I was wondering how many people out there struggle like me.

I'll be posting daily about all kinds of things in my daily life. I hope you'll check in each day and let me know what you think. Maybe you have some advise or need some. There are times when we all feel isolated and need an outlet. I'm hoping this blog will be mine as well as yours! I look forward to getting acquainted with you.